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Prosocial behavior of pupils in a seccond grade of grammar school and its causes

Autor Nina Hlaváčková
Organisation Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra pedagogiky a psychologie
Year 2014
Research type master thesis
Annotation Research studies conducted in field of prosocial behaviour testify to the existence of situational and dispositional motifs of this kind of acting. Aim of this thesis is firstly to map occurence of three of these motifs, specifically: oportunity to gain recognition, reciprocity expectation and social responsibility. Secondly it is uncovering possible dependence of these motifs on age or level of prosociality of pupils in a seccond grade of grammar school. The research part of this project has a center of gravity in a quantitative approach. In this framework is being found truthfulness of hypoteses, whether each motive has with age decreasing or increasing tendency and what is actually the frequency of their occurence. In combination with the nomination method of prosocial behaviour in classroom is also being uncovered possible dependency of level of prosociality on individual factors. The theoretical framework that precedes the research section of this thesis, discusses the evolution of prosocial behaviour and contemporary social perspective on this behaviour. This historical excursion is supplemented by the definition of terms used, the reflection of the role of social and biological factors and formulation of influence of school and family evironment in shaping child’s prosocial orientation.
Keywords altruism, empathy, moral development, prosocial behavior, socialization, educational styles
Research type quantitative
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Obor AM Pedagogy, education, AN Psychology
Availability available in the NRVDM electronic library
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Organisation Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra pedagogiky a psychologie
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