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The problems of mental disorders children hospitalized in the psychiatric hospital

Autor Bc. et Bc. Michaela Nádeníčková
Organisation Masarykova univerzita Brno, Pedagogická fakulta
Year 2014
Research type master thesis
Annotation This thesis deals with the problems of mental disorders in pre-school, school and adolescent children hospitalized in the psychiatric hospital Opařany in South Bohemia. In the theoretical part defines terms related to the topic of work, as is the issue of mental disorders in a specially-pedagogical context, interdisciplinary cooperation in the hospitalization of these children and the principles and conditions of education in elementary school, which is part of the DPL Opařany, including the possibility of intervention in primary school and subsequent reeducation individual disorders. A key starting point for the practical part of the thesis is to give information about mental disorders was hospitalized children and is therefore closely linked only with these children, their problem, and their way of life.
Keywords mental disorders, mental disorders, mood disorders, psychiatric hospital, psychosis
Research type qualitative
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Obor AN Psychology, AQ Security and health protection , ED physiology
Availability available in the NRVDM electronic library
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Organisation Masarykova univerzita Brno, Pedagogická fakulta
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Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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